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Children’s Book Author Unwittingly Leaves Behind a Grave Question: Are You Happy?

Children’s Book Author Unwittingly Leaves Behind a Grave Question: Are You Happy?

If you can leave your life behind in exchange for a new one, will you wish it away?

COOKSTOWN, NEW JERSEY, UNITED STATES, August 18, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — We can build the life we want but with deliberate effort, conscious choice, and a well of resources. That’s not often the case for everyone, so if we fall into the traps of wishful thinking, we’re not to blame. So, if you are given a wish to acquire the life you so desire, will you spend it away? Before you decide, you might want to read Barbara Pierce’s The Emperor’s Regret.

The Emperor’s Regret is an original folktale that revolves around Paheni, a young emperor in Eastern Asia. Annoyed, bored, and sick to death with the grasp of his royalness, he relinquishes his birthright with the help of Haknobee, a well-respected elder who is known to possess great wisdom and powerful magic. However, along with the sweetness of living a carefree life is the bitter aftertaste of realizing that freedom isn’t absolute and reality isn’t always about rainbows and butterflies, and responsibility-free young men.

Using Paheni’s story, Barbara instills in her readers an important lesson that most of us often forget about: Hasty actions will too often deliver unwarranted outcomes. Now that she is retired from teaching in elementary school, Barbara continues to write more stories that teach important lessons on morality. Aside from The Emperor’s Regret, she has also written The Perfect Place for Toodles, Mama Lupita’s Puree Ole, A Mystery in Winters Park, The Game That Sam Plays, and Sophie Virginia and the Little Red Boots, and Remembering our Black Trailblazers and Their Legacies.

For inquirers, readers may visit her website at www.bapiercesbookcollection.com.

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Lyn Goot
The Reading Glass Books
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/647371774/children-s-book-author-unwittingly-leaves-behind-a-grave-question-are-you-happy

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