The first book in this series, “The Adventure Begins”, follows Alex and Leah, two college graduates who want to start a farm. The couple’s hopes were fulfilled when Leah’s parents gave them the family farm from generations ago. In a world of agricultural enterprise, resource management, and the thrilling process of transforming their land, young readers face challenges and must make decisions.
Jay Borden, an agriculture education expert, guides readers through farming, the environment, and sustainable practices. His goal is to inspire future farmers. Borden’s intricate storytelling and illustrations immerse readers in a world of knowledge and wonder.
The book series shows us how to follow the green trend. Through discussions about land clearing, fencing, and animal care, “Alex and Leah Learn to Farm” instills environmental responsibility and the importance of agriculture.
About the Author
Jay Borden’s deep-rooted connection to farming and his background in agriculture education has informed his debut work. Having taught in rural and urban communities for over two decades, Borden understands the importance of engaging and accurate educational materials for young minds.
The book series “Alex and Leah Learn to Farm” is now available for young readers and educators alike. This series promises an entertaining reading experience and a window into the world of farming and sustainability.
To learn more about “Alex and Leah Learn to Farm” and to order your copy, visit or you can also purchase it from amazon:
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